Code changes to tsinvest/NtropiX and the NdustriX utilities

From: John Conover <>
Subject: Code changes to tsinvest/NtropiX and the NdustriX utilities
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2005 11:23:02 -0800

There is a new release of tsinvest and the NdustriX utilities. The
changes were made for formal ISO C89 compliance. ISO C89 is a subset
of ANSI/IEEE X3.159-1989, (which is the US standard.)

There is no reason to upgrade, unless you are in an ISO 8K certified
organization that specifies 9K software development standards.

The only changes involved the way the user help splash screens were
generated, which meant a new revision. There were no other changes.



John Conover,,

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