From: John Conover <>
Subject: more on stock market
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1993 02:57:19 -0700 (PDT)
Hi again Joel. Let me offer a further explanation of the SM model we are using with an historical persptective. (I'm operating on some machine, someplace in net land that does not have a spell checker, so my appologies for semantics of this text.) In the 17th century, tullips were introduced in Holland from someplace in Africa. They really took off, and were in great demand. They were a great investment, sometimes doubling in value in just a few days. The trend continued to the point that whole farms were traded for a single tullip bulb. The trend was also of a relatively long duration, so that confidence was established in the investment potential of tullip bulbs. (This is a true story, BTW.) Naturely, the inevatable happened, and the market collapsed, leaving a lot of Holland financially destitute, as tullip bulbs assumed their true market value. One of the problems with Keynesian economics is that it is not capable of handling these types of situations (supply and demand is based on true market equilibrium values-equalibrium is the keyword.) It can not handle the issue of why there is a demand for mink coats, when their insullating qualities are inferior to wool, but yet they cost more. (Although, it does work well for industries like table salt producers, where equilibrium points are ordained by biological need.) The hidden paradigm of Keynesian economics is that the markets are analyzied as if they are in equilibrium. (ie., as opposed to being dynamic.) To address these problems, in the early 1940's, Oskar Morgenstern and John Von Neumann wrote "Theory of Games and Economic Behavior" (published in 1944.) This is the "bible" of "neo-classical" economics. Although they did not deny that supply and demand forces in the economic system existed, they did postulate that the market value of something was based on the "perceived value" of that something. Unfortunatly, this scenario can not be analyzed with conventional mathamatics, but a model (more or less accurate) could be formulated using the conecpt of mini-max from game theory (which Von Neumann created in 1937 and published as "Aur Theorie der Gesellschaftsspiele.") As a side bar, Von Neumann also axiomatized the quantum mechanics (we still use this axiomatization today in semiconducor process/transistor/circuit design) and got his self into numerical computation trouble designing the state equations of plutonium for nuclear weapons-so he also invented the modern electronic computer, (ie., the "Von Neumann architecture.") This economic theory is still widely used in corporate America's operations research departments (3/4 of the Fortune 500 companies have them.) The buzz words here are "mathematical programming" and "linear programming," which are the mathematical techniques used to solve the game theoretic matrix of an economic situation to find the mini-max saddle point, which is the optimimum operating point for the company in a given economic scenario. If you want to play with these, they are in the Unix systems under the names "strategy," "optimize," or "lp_solve." The LINPACK sources from the US Government are floating around also. (I wrote strategy and optimize, and lp_solve came out of ATT Labs.) Most of these optimization concepts were created by George Dantzig of Stanford, under contract to the USAF to do optimiztions for If you analyze what happened to the tullips in Holland in the 17th century, it is really nothing more than a pyramid scheme. And a pyramid scheme can not have an equalibrium. (If it did, it would not be a pyramid scheme.) In these scenarios, timing is everything. You want to get in early, and get out early-but not so early that you leave a lot of money on the table-and not so late that you run the risk of holding an investment in a crashing market. The question is whether the stock market is a "neo-clasical" long term equilibrium market, or more like a pyramid scheme. The answer is that it is more like a pyramid scheme. Why? For one reason the statement "buy low, sell high" is valid-it would not be if the market is in long term equalibrium, on the average. If that were true, you would make more money the longer you waited (in general,) and we know that this is not necessarily true. So we have to conceed that the stock market is a dynamic process. How dynamic? Emperically, it has a frequency distribution of 1/f squared, (ie., Brown noise, after "Brownian motion") which is, also, the theoretical solution to the iterated pyramid scheme. (It is not coincidence.) How wide spread are these dynamic processes in the rest of the economic environment? No one really knows, and it is a source of great debate amoung economists. The neo-classical economists say infrequently, and the modern economists (lead by Brian Author of Stanford) say everywhere. He has referenced the failure of BetaMax to replace VHS (since equalibrium economics would predict that a technologically superior product that can be manufactured cheaper will eventually surplant an inferior product in the market place.) But this didn't happen. Why? because VHS was in the market first. Since it was there first, more movies were available, and people would buy VHS systems as the alternative. And, since more people had VHS, the movie makers made more VHS movies available, which sold more VHS systems, and so on. The important concept here is that a "positive feedback" situation was envolved. This is heretical in the dogma equilibrium economics. If you think about it, (from a circuit standpoint,) something with postive feedback can not have state equations in equalibrium. The current trend in economics is to analyze these situations using the theory of "dynamic systems," (which is also called, in lay terms, "chaos theory.") And if you use these theories to model things like the tullip bulbs and VHS/BetaMax scenarios, you can predict that the dynamics will be largely "unpredictable," but will have a 1/f type of power distribution. Note that 1/f solutions are not the only solutions in dynamical systems that exist. Other solutions envolve "phase transitions," (you can predict that water will turn into ice at about 32 deg. F, by considering the properties of large number of water molecules as a dynamical ergotic entropy system, for example-interestingly, this is the only know way to "prove" that the phase transition of water exists.) But do these "phase transitions" exist in the capitilst domain also? Appearently, the answer is yes. There is some evidence that the mixture of "anarchy" and "order" in social systems (ie., like companies) does not exist as a continious "blend," (starting with total anarchy at one end, and ending with total order at the other) but as a very sharp phase transition-between such a rigid order that the company can't get out of its own way, and an anarchy so intense that the company discentagrates. What is very peculiar about these dynamic systems is that they are "self organizing." Left to their own means, they organization's "state" will migrate to the phase transition point (ie., neither anarchy or order, but just in between.) Since positive feedback is envolved, pushing it one way or the other from this point will result in an instantaneous "snap" to total anarchy, or total ridgid order. The phase transition point also has the added advantage that it is the most efficient operating point for the organization. (Information theoretic analysis also reveals that the maximum information flow through the organization occurs at the phase transition point, also.) If you think about this, it makes sense. On the one hand, it is not so anarchist/chaotic that it can't do anything, and, likewise, it is not so ridgedly ordered that it can't do anything. The important concept (if it is true, and there is mounting evidence that it is) is that the anarchy/ordered transition is very "sharp" and non-linear. At this point, the organization will operate with maximum efficiency and agility. Unfortunatly, the "phase transition point" is largely "unpredictable." (Like the market dynamics, above.) So if these things are "unpredictable," what is the best game plan? First admit that the non-linearities are killers if you do not know that they exist. Second, the best game plan is to always be agile and quick (this implies that you are operating at a phase transition point, and got there in a "self organizing system" manner,) and never close off options. John -- John Conover,,