From: John Conover <>
Subject: forwarded message from John Conover
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 19:52:44 -0700
I understand it. Sesame Street has the same demographics, on Saturday, AM, while mom and pop have other agendas than to entertain the kids, (unless the kids are kinky.) Now, whether the Presidential Debates interrupted a marital, or otherwise, operational necessity, (as in a coitus thing-remember it was late, 9:00, or so,) or only appealed to children remains an issue for statistical interpretation. (The Super Bowl seems to do well, with about 60% of the TAM, and somewhat deceasing over the last decade, as an interesting American demographic. BTW. Desert Storm did well, at least as a TV production, but not as well as soccer, at least in international markets. Auto sports was a distant second after soccer. See The Presidential debates don't rank in the top 100 events, over a 4 year period-in point of fact, more folks watched the famous Apple commercial, created by Regis McKenna-the one that indirectly attacked IBM with the athlete hurling the sledge hammer at the giant TV screen watched by zombies-in the 1983 super bowl than watched the Presidential Debates last night.) John BTW, it would make things more interesting to stage the debates the night before the vote-and thus invalidate the various pollster's efforts. Let the politicians go for broke-bet it all on one day. (Actually, the guy in second would have a decided game-theoretic advantage if it was done this way-the game-theoretic solution to the "Mexican standoff," is to shoot first-same is true in political concepts-see the stuff on the prisoner's dilemma by Luce, et al, ie., if you are in second, go for broke-another of science's most profound insights. I mean, the debates would be interesting enough to compete with Lucy re-runs.) Statistical demographics a month before the election in a country that has a conceptual half life that is a little less than a week, (typical numbers from a PR person,) doesn't make any sense. Who markets such things? Where is the PR agent? Who decided to hold it 30 days before the vote? I'm just an engineer, and such decisions are dumb. Really dumb. -- John Conover,,