From: John Conover <>
Subject: Re: Brains in Trade. Was Re: Where There's Smoke
Date: 5 Oct 1999 01:04:13 -0000
Beverly Erlebacher writes: > In article <okoJ3.179356$>, > David Lloyd-Jones <> wrote: > > > >For coda, one might speculate that females among the homo habilis might have > >specialized more than males toward the typing finicky knots in slithery guts > >line of work: if you're supplying tools to the man you're already selling > >sex-for-food to, it cuts down the complexity of the marketing process. > > Careful there - among modern hunter-gatherers most of the food is gathered, > largely by women. Meat is more of a treat than a staple, although it takes > far more man hours per calorie to acquire (mostly by men). Homo habilis was > a little critter, probably not a very successful hunter except of rather > small game, and probably got most of the meat it did get by chasing other > scavengers away from carrion. > I see. A woman's place is in the mall. John -- John Conover,,