Tsinvest is for simulating the optimal gains of multiple
equity investments. The program decides which of all available
equities to invest in at any single time, by calculating the
instantaneous Shannon probability and statistics of all
equities, and then using statistical estimation techniques to
estimate the accuracy of the calculated statistics.
The tsinvest home page is at
To build the program, gunzip the source files, and tar xvf
tsinvest.tar. Cd to the tsinvest directory, and type
To install the executables, cp tsinvest tsinvestsim
tsshannoneffective to a directory in your executable path. The
tsinvest.1, tsinvestsim.1, and tsshannoneffective.1 files are
the nroff sources to the man pages. The catman pages,
tsinvest.catman, tsinvestsim.catman, and,
tsshannoneffective.catman, are also included.
If there are compile time issues, see the installation
tsinvest is the equity investment program.
tsinvestsim is the equity market simulation
tsshannoneffective is a program that uses statistical
estimation techniques to compute the maximum effective
Shannon probability that can be used. It is a fragment from
the tsinvest program, and is included separately as a
tutorial on the large data set required for accurate
analysis of equity values.
tsinvestdb is a C source code template for programs
that manipulate the tsinvest(1) time series database(s). It
contains the hash algorithm look up tables for expedient
development of specialized database systems. The example
application is a syntax verification program for the
tsinvest(1) time series database format and
csv2tsinvest is a C source code template for programs
that that convert different time series formats and
structures to the tsinvest(1) time series database(s)
format. The example application is the Yahoo! historical
stock price database spreadsheet format, csv, available from
by specifying "Download Spreadsheet Format" at the bottom of
the page when requesting the time series for a
stocks is a fragment of the daily "ticker" of the US
stock exchanges, consisting of 454 equities, from January 1,
1993, to June 6, 1996, as supplied by
stocks.names is the names, and corporate web sites,
of various equities in the file, stocks, as supplied by
stocks.symbols is the names, and ticker symbols of
various equities in the file, stocks, as supplied by
stocks.copyright is correspondence between Mark
Torrance of and myself
concerning copyright issues of the reformatted historical
equity data contained in the file, stocks.
tests is a directory that contains data files for the
tsinvestsim program for regression testing of the tsinvest
and tsinvestsim programs.
Quick start:
- tsinvest -d 1 -i -s -t
will analyze the 454 equities with an algorithm that is
similar to human "graph watching" where the attempt is to
maximize gains while at the same time minimizing risk in
assembling the portfolio.
- tsinvest -d 2 -i -s -t stocks
will analyze the 454 equities with a short term "high
volatility" algorithm, similar to "noise trading" when
assembling the portfolio.
- tsinvest -d 3 -i -s -t stocks
will analyze the 454 equities with an algorithm that is
similar to human "graph watching", where the attempt is to
maximize average gains when assembling the
- tsinvest -d 4 -i -s -t stocks
will analyze the 454 equities with a mean reversion short
term "noise trading" algorithm when assembling the
- tsinvest -d 5 -i -s -t stocks
will analyze the 454 equities with a "persistence", or
"momentum", algorithm when assembling the
- tsinvest -d 6 -i -s -t stocks
will analyze the 454 equities, but pick stocks at random
when assembling the portfolio.
tsinvest -v
will print the command line options available in the
- tsinvestsim tests/ 10000 | tsinvest -d2 -i
-s -t
will simulate a market, for 10000 days, where the file is an example data file for simulating a
"typical" American market.
- tsshannoneffective 0.0004 0.02 1000
will print out the effective Shannon probability for an
equity with a measured Shannon probability of 0.51, (about
typical for the American markets,) with a data set that is
1000 days long. The idea is to iterate this command, (like,
maybe, 10000 days should be next,) so that Peff is greater
than 0.5. If you invest in an equity with a smaller Peff,
you are not investing, you are gambling-but that can be fun
Some demonstrative results from
various command line arguments, Arg, for the tsinvest program
operating on the file, stocks, (a daily fragment of the US
stock exchange's "ticker", consisting of 454 equities, from
January 1, 1993, to June 6, 1996.) The average gain, I, of the
index of all equities in the file is 1.00095 per day, or,
1.27123, per year, measured with the tsgain(1)
program from the Utilities
page, using the -p option, and 253 trading days per year. The
daily portfolio gain, g, and yearly gain, G, calculated the
same way, and, the portfolio value, V, at the end of the
simulation, (approximately 2.5 years, starting with an initial
value of 1000.00,) for comparison against the gain in the
index of all equities, 1880.83, is shown in the following
Arg |
-d1 -p -P |
-d2 -p -P |
-d3 -p -P |
-d4 -p -P |
-d5 -p -P |
-d6 -p -P |
g |
1.00123 |
1.00286 |
1.00058 |
1.00184 |
1.00329 |
1.00156 |
G |
1.36548 |
2.05760 |
1.15683 |
1.59096 |
2.29622 |
1.48420 |
G/I |
1.07414 |
1.61859 |
0.91001 |
1.25151 |
1.80629 |
1.16753 |
V |
2271.14 |
6689.01 |
1466.46 |
3398.48 |
8922.95 |
2827.94 |
Arg |
-d1 -m0 -p -P |
-d2 -m0 -p -P |
-d3 -m0 -p -P |
-d4 -m0 -p -P |
-d5 -m0 -p -P |
-d6 -m0 -p -P |
g |
1.00120 |
1.00281 |
1.00051 |
1.00137 |
1.00329 |
1.00156 |
G |
1.35448 |
2.03386 |
1.13798 |
1.41429 |
2.81419 |
1.48420 |
G/I |
1.06549 |
1.59991 |
0.89518 |
1.11254 |
2.21376 |
1.16753 |
V |
2222.14 |
6485.44 |
1403.77 |
2860.06 |
15367.59 |
2827.94 |
Arg |
-d1 -u -p -P |
-d2 -u -p -P |
-d3 -u -p -P |
-d4 -u -p -P |
-d5 -u -p -P |
-d6 -u -p -P |
g |
1.00299 |
1.00028 |
1.00000 |
1.00156 |
1.00177 |
1.00048 |
G |
2.12941 |
1.07204 |
1.00000 |
1.48121 |
1.56466 |
1.12966 |
G/I |
1.67508 |
0.84331 |
0.78664 |
1.16518 |
1.23082 |
0.88864 |
V |
7319.13 |
1200.94 |
1000.00 |
2814.55 |
3252.13 |
1378.17 |
Arg |
-d1 -u -m0 -p -P |
-d2 -u -m0 -p -P |
-d3 -u -m0 -p -P |
-d4 -u -m0 -p -P |
-d5 -u -m0 -p -P |
-d6 -u -m0 -p -P |
g |
1.00299 |
1.00031 |
1.00000 |
1.00032 |
1.00251 |
1.00048 |
G |
2.12941 |
1.08021 |
1.00000 |
1.08294 |
1.88748 |
1.12966 |
G/I |
1.67508 |
0.84974 |
0.78664 |
0.85189 |
1.48477 |
0.88864 |
V |
7319.13 |
1225.46 |
1000.00 |
1239.29 |
5733.41 |
1378.17 |
Note that the average gain, I, is not a traditional index,
(the traditional index has a gain of 1.00051 per day, or
1.13884 per year, starting at 25.79, and ending at 36.32, for
the 666 days, using the -j option to tsinvest-which means to
calculate the index as the average value of all stocks, ie.,
the sum of the values, divided by the number of stocks.) The
rationale for not using the -j option can be found in Table I,
and the -d6 option. With balancing, (ie., maintaining equal
investments in each stock,) picking the stocks at random will
almost "beat the market." The average gain, I, is a fair
comparison, or benchmark, for the strategies, (it is the value
obtained by maintaining an equal investment in all stocks, at
all times.)
In Table I, the demonstration is to alter the wagering
strategies, and see if the results make sense. For example,
the -u argument makes the program do the exact opposite of the
-d specification, ie., -d1 means to use both avg and rms in
the computation of the Shannon probability, and select the
equities that have the highest growth rates, as predicted
using the calculated Shannon probability. The -u makes the
program choose the equities with the lowest growth, (which can
be negative growth, implying a short strategy may be
advisable,) using the calculated Shannon probability. The -d2
argument means only use rms in the calculation of the Shannon
probability, the -d3 means use only avg, the -d4 means use
mean reversion as the equity selection criteria, the -d5 means
use persistence as the equity selection criteria, and the -d6
means choose the equities at random. (Note, also, that the
simulations assume perfect market liquidity, ie., the program
can recommend buying or selling equities at the current price
of the equity, and assumes there are no broker, transaction
costs, or posting fees-which is hypothetically
presumptuous. In general, it would be difficult, if not
impossible, to achieve the gains listed in the Table I.)
Obviously, any equity selection strategy should beat
selecting equities at random, and any good strategy should
beat the average index, (because investing equally in all
equities in a market is a viable strategy, ie., wagering on
futures.) And, any good strategy should be far superior to its
opposite, ie., using the -u option.
Also, as expected, Table I shows that equity pro forma is
heavily influenced by rms, (in general, larger rms means
larger growth, but not always,) as shown by the -d2 option,
(the -d4 option produces similar results, as would be
expected.) The -d6 simulations produced results, in all four
cases, that were within parity of the average index, which,
also would be expected.
Some of the simulations are data set anomalies-the data in
the file, stocks, covers a period that is one of the largest
"run ups" in the history of US equity markets. It would be
inappropriate to jump to conclusions that this is a "typical,"
or useful, scenario.
Interestingly, including the -c option to compensate the
Shannon probability, P, for run length duration, (ie., that
the time interval chosen for the analysis, by serendipity, was
a positive run length of long duration,) the program does not
invest in any equities using the -d1, -d2, or -d3 option. The
time interval represented in the file, stocks, is one of the
longest positive run length excursions in the century, and as
expected, compensating the Shannon probability accommodates
the duration by not investing on such a short duration
simulation. (The implication is that the time interval chosen
was a "bubble.")
Also, any good strategy should be simulated, using long
simulation periods, perhaps using the tsinvestsim program on
various market scenarios-for example there are several such
scenarios in the directory, tests, which is a collection of
"fabricated" market scenarios, like "bear" markets, markets
where the differences between equity growths are very small,
etc. A typical simulation will use simulation periods of about
a hundred thousand days, (about 4 centuries,) which runs in
several hours. The reason for the large simulation period is
that simulation periods that are shorter than this, (you can
verify this with the tsshannoneffective program,) can be
misleading, ie., you may be simulating a scenario that is a
fugitive from the laws of statistics. For example from the
directory, tests:
- The file,
A test file of a market with 300 equities, with too
little volatility, ie., rms < 2P - 1, with Shannon
probabilities, P, ranging, in a linear fashion, from 0.51 to
0.51299. (Real markets go from about 0.505 to 0.560, or so,
and are typically, non-volatile.) The volatility is 50% too
The daily gain in value of the index, i, should be
1.000266, and the gain in value of a portfolio of the top
ten equities, g, should be 1.000327.
This file is intended to test whether the tsinvest(1)
program can exploit markets where the difference in the
growth rates of equities is not large. Ideally, what should
happen, after many days, (say, 100,000,) is that the
equities invested in are 299, 298, 297, ..., and the value
of the capital should be greater than the value of the
average index.
- The file,
A test file for tsinvestsim(1), of a market with 300
equities, with too little volatility, ie., rms < 2P - 1,
with Shannon probabilities, P, identical, and equal to 0.51,
and an antipersistence, H, ranging, in a linear fashion,
from 0.4 to 0.5. (Real markets have Shannon probabilities
that go from about 0.505 to 0.560, or so, and
antipersistences running from about 0.400 to 0.500, or so.)
The volatility is 50% too low. This is a good "bear" market
The daily gain in value of the index, i, should be
1.000200, and the gain in value of a portfolio of the top
ten equities, g, should be 1.000195. The gain in value of a
portfolio of the top ten equites, g, based on the selection
criteria of antipersistence, (ie., the -d5 option,) should
be about 1.001997, (assuming a probability of an up movement
of 1 - H, or about 0.6.)
This file is intended to test how well the tsinvest(1)
program does in a market where there is nothing to exploit.
Ideally, what should happen, after many days, (say,
100,000,) is that value of the capital should be less than,
but nearly equal to, the value of the average index. There
is no strategic advantage in investing in any stock over any
other stock-in point of fact, the optimal strategy is to
invest equally in all 300 equities. Anything less than this
will result in a loss, in comparison to the average index of
all equities.
- The file,
A test file of a market with 300 equities, with too
little volatility, ie., rms < 2P - 1, with Shannon
probabilities, P, identical, and equal to 0.51. (Real
markets go from about 0.505 to 0.560, or so.) The volatility
is 50% too low. This is a good "bear" market simulation.
The daily gain in value of the index, i, should be
1.000200, and the gain in value of a portfolio of the top
ten equities, g, should be 1.000195.
This file is intended to test how well the tsinvest(1)
program does in a market where there is nothing to exploit.
Ideally, what should happen, after many days, (say,
100,000,) is that value of the capital should be less than,
but nearly equal to, the value of the average
- The file,
A test file of a market with 300 equities, with too
little volatility, ie., rms < 2P - 1, with Shannon
probabilities, P, identical, and equal to 0.51, and a
persistence, H, ranging, in a linear fashion, from 0.5 to
0.6. (Real markets have Shannon probabilities that go from
about 0.505 to 0.560, or so, and persistences running from
about 0.500 to 0.600, or so.) The volatility is 50% too
low. This is a good "bear" market simulation.
The daily gain in value of the index, i, should be
1.000200, and the gain in value of a portfolio of the top
ten equities, g, should be 1.000195. The gain in value of a
portfolio of the top ten equites, g, based on the selection
criteria of antipersistence, (ie., the -d5 option,) should
be about 1.001997, (assuming a probability of an up movement
of H, or about 0.6.)
This file is intended to test how well the tsinvest(1)
program does in a market where there is nothing to exploit.
Ideally, what should happen, after many days, (say,
100,000,) is that value of the capital should be less than,
but nearly equal to, the value of the average index. There
is no strategic advantage in investing in any stock over any
other stock-in point of fact, the optimal strategy is to
invest equally in all 300 equities. Anything less than this
will result in a loss, in comparison to the average index of
all equities.
- The file,
A test file of a market with 300 equities, all optimal,
ie., rms = 2P - 1, with Shannon probabilities, P, ranging,
in a linear fashion, from 0.51 to 0.51299. (Real markets go
from about 0.505 to 0.560, or so.)
The daily gain in value of the index, i, should be
1.000531, and the gain in value of a portfolio of the top
ten equities, g, should be 1.000637.
This file is intended to test whether the tsinvest(1)
program can exploit markets where the difference in the
growth rates of equities is not large. Ideally, what should
happen, after many days, (say, 100,000,) is that the
equities invested in are 299, 298, 297, ..., and the value
of the capital should be greater than the value of the
average index.
- The file,
A test file for tsinvestsim(1), of a market with 300
equities, all optimal, ie., rms = 2P - 1, with Shannon
probabilities, P, identical, and equal to 0.51, and a
antipersistence, H, ranging, in a linear fashion, from 0.4
to 0.5. (Real markets have Shannon probabilities that go
from about 0.505 to 0.560, or so, and antipersistences
running from about 0.400 to 0.500.)
The daily gain in value of the index, i, should be
1.000399, and the gain in value of a portfolio of the top
ten equities, g, should be 1.000380. The gain in value of a
portfolio of the top ten equites, g, based on the selection
criteria of antipersistence, (ie., the -d5 option,) should
be about 1.003988, (assuming a probability of an up movement
of 1 - H, or about 0.6.)
This file is intended to test how well the tsinvest(1)
program does in a market where there is nothing to exploit.
Ideally, what should happen, after many days, (say,
100,000,) is that value of the capital should be less than,
but nearly equal to, the value of the average index. There
is no strategic advantage in investing in any stock over any
other stock-in point of fact, the optimal strategy is to
invest equally in all 300 equities. Anything less than this
will result in a loss, in comparison to the average index of
all equities.
- The file,
A test file of a market with 300 equities, all optimal,
ie., rms = 2P - 1, with Shannon probabilities, P, identical,
and equal to 0.51. (Real markets go from about 0.505 to
0.560, or so.)
The daily gain in value of the index, i, should be
1.000399, and the gain in value of a portfolio of the top
ten equities, g, should be 1.000380.
This file is intended to test how well the tsinvest(1)
program does in a market where there is nothing to exploit.
Ideally, what should happen, after many days, (say,
100,000,) is that value of the capital should be less than,
but nearly equal to, the value of the average
- The file,
A test file of a market with 300 equities, all optimal,
ie., rms = 2P - 1, with Shannon probabilities, P, identical,
and equal to 0.51, and a persistence, H, ranging, in a
linear fashion, from 0.5 to 0.6. (Real markets have Shannon
probabilities that go from about 0.505 to 0.560, or so, and
persistences running from about 0.500 to 0.600.)
The daily gain in value of the index, i, should be
1.000399, and the gain in value of a portfolio of the top
ten equities, g, should be 1.000380. The gain in value of a
portfolio of the top ten equites, g, based on the selection
criteria of antipersistence, (ie., the -d5 option,) should
be about 1.003988, (assuming a probability of an up movement
of H, or about 0.6.)
This file is intended to test how well the tsinvest(1)
program does in a market where there is nothing to exploit.
Ideally, what should happen, after many days, (say,
100,000,) is that value of the capital should be less than,
but nearly equal to, the value of the average index. There
is no strategic advantage in investing in any stock over any
other stock-in point of fact, the optimal strategy is to
invest equally in all 300 equities. Anything less than this
will result in a loss, in comparison to the average index of
all equities.
- The file,
A test file of a market with 300 equities, all too
volatile, ie., rms > 2P - 1, with Shannon probabilities,
P, ranging, in a linear fashion, from 0.51 to 0.51299. (Real
markets go from about 0.505 to 0.560, or so, and are
typically, non-volatile, but some equities exhibit
volatility.) The volatility is 50% too high.
The daily gain in value of the index, i, should be
1.000796, and the gain in value of a portfolio of the top
ten equities, g, should be 1.000931.
This file is intended to test whether the tsinvest(1)
program can exploit markets where the difference in the
growth rates of equities is not large. Ideally, what should
happen, after many days, (say, 100,000,) is that the
equities invested in are 299, 298, 297, ..., and the value
of the capital should be greater than the value of the
average index.
- The file,
A test file for tsinvestsim(1), of a market with 300
equities, all too volatile, ie., rms > 2P - 1, with
Shannon probabilities, P, identical, and equal to 0.51, and
a antipersistence, H, ranging, in a linear fashion, from 0.4
to 0.5. (Real markets have Shannon probabilities that go
from about 0.505 to 0.560, or so, and antipersistences
running from about 0.400 to 0.500, or so.) The volatility
is 50% too high.
The daily gain in value of the index, i, should be
1.000599, and the gain in value of a portfolio of the top
ten equities, g, should be 1.000555. The gain in value of a
portfolio of the top ten equites, g, based on the selection
criteria of antipersistence, (ie., the -d5 option,) should
be about 1.005973, (assuming a probability of an up movement
of 1 - H, or about 0.6.)
This file is intended to test how well the tsinvest(1)
program does in a market where there is nothing to exploit.
Ideally, what should happen, after many days, (say,
100,000,) is that value of the capital should be less than,
but nearly equal to, the value of the average index. There
is no strategic advantage in investing in any stock over any
other stock-in point of fact, the optimal strategy is to
invest equally in all 300 equities. Anything less than this
will result in a loss, in comparison to the average index of
all equities.
- The file,
A test file of a market with 300 equities, all too
volatile, ie., rms > 2P - 1, with Shannon probabilities,
P, identical, and equal to 0.51. (Real markets go from about
0.505 to 0.560, or so.) The volatility is 50% too high.
The daily gain in value of the index, i, should be
1.000599, and the gain in value of a portfolio of the top
ten equities, g, should be 1.000555.
This file is intended to test how well the tsinvest(1)
program does in a market where there is nothing to exploit.
Ideally, what should happen, after many days, (say,
100,000,) is that value of the capital should be less than,
but nearly equal to, the value of the average
- The file,
A test file of a market with 300 equities, all too
volatile, ie., rms > 2P - 1, with Shannon probabilities,
P, identical, and equal to 0.51, and a persistence, H,
ranging, in a linear fashion, from 0.5 to 0.6. (Real markets
have Shannon probabilities that go from about 0.505 to
0.560, or so, and persistences running from about 0.500 to
0.600, or so.) The volatility is 50% too high.
The daily gain in value of the index, i, should be
1.000599, and the gain in value of a portfolio of the top
ten equities, g, should be 1.000555. The gain in value of a
portfolio of the top ten equites, g, based on the selection
criteria of antipersistence, (ie., the -d5 option,) should
be about 1.005973, (assuming a probability of an up movement
of H, or about 0.6.)
This file is intended to test how well the tsinvest(1)
program does in a market where there is nothing to exploit.
Ideally, what should happen, after many days, (say,
100,000,) is that value of the capital should be less than,
but nearly equal to, the value of the average index. There
is no strategic advantage in investing in any stock over any
other stock-in point of fact, the optimal strategy is to
invest equally in all 300 equities. Anything less than this
will result in a loss, in comparison to the average index of
all equities.
- The file,
A test file for tsinvestsim(1), of a deteriorating market
with 300 equities, simulating the US equity markets for
3,254 trading days between 15 August, 1921, and 6 June,
1932, inclusive. During the 2,401 trading day period between
15 August, 1921 and 7 September, 1929, the US equity markets
had a substantial gain of about 5.7X in value, (DJIA values
of 66.02 to 375.44.) During the 853 trading day period
between 7 September, 1929, and 6 June, 1932, the markets had
a significant reversal, loosing about 90% of their 7
September, 1929 value, (DJIA values of 375.44 to 42.68,) for
about a 30% loss on the decade 1921-1931, and did not regain
their 7 September, 1929 values until mid 1956.
This file is intended to test how well the tsinvest(1)
program does in adverse market conditions.
- The file,
This file is machine generated from the
file. The file represents the escalation in
equity values, from 1921 on, and the file
represents the deterioration in equity values, from 1929
This file is a "trick" file, and has its own section,
- The file
A test file for tsinvest(1), of a market with 49
equities, all decreasing in value. This file was generated
by dumping the internal data structures of the tsinvest(1)
program after it had completed execution of the file
"stocks", (a daily fragment of the US stock exchange's
"ticker", consisting of 454 equities, from January 1, 1993,
to June 6, 1996, as supplied by,) using the -r option,
(the -p -P options were used, also,) to make a new file for
Note that the -D0 and -j options were used; normally, the
tsinvest(1) program will not invest in stocks that are
declining in value-the -D0 option over rides this default
behavior, and forces the program to commit to managing
investments in stocks that are declining in value; and the
-j option prints the average of the stocks, as opposed to
the average balanced growth.
And arranging the results of the simulations of these files
in tabular form for the different wagering strategies:
Arg |
-d1 |
-d2 |
-d3 |
-d4 |
-d5 |
i |
1.000265 |
1.000265 |
1.000265 |
1.000265 |
1.000265 |
I |
1.069334 |
1.069334 |
1.069334 |
1.069334 |
1.069334 |
g |
1.000288 |
1.000317 |
1.000295 |
1.000275 |
1.000270 |
G |
1.075573 |
1.083491 |
1.077479 |
1.072042 |
1.070687 |
G/I |
1.005834 |
1.013239 |
1.007618 |
1.002533 |
1.001266 |
Arg |
-d1 |
-d2 |
-d3 |
-d4 |
-d5 |
i |
1.000176 |
1.000176 |
1.000176 |
1.000176 |
1.000176 |
I |
1.045530 |
1.045530 |
1.045530 |
1.045530 |
1.045530 |
g |
1.000166 |
1.000180 |
1.000166 |
1.000177 |
1.001925 |
G |
1.042889 |
1.046589 |
1.042889 |
1.045795 |
1.626706 |
G/I |
0.974736 |
1.001012 |
0.997474 |
1.000253 |
1.555867 |
Arg |
-d1 |
-d2 |
-d3 |
-d4 |
-d5 |
i |
1.000199 |
1.000199 |
1.000199 |
1.000199 |
1.000199 |
I |
1.051631 |
1.051631 |
1.051631 |
1.051631 |
1.051631 |
g |
1.000193 |
1.000200 |
1.000192 |
1.000196 |
1.000178 |
G |
1.050036 |
1.051897 |
1.049770 |
1.050833 |
1.046059 |
G/I |
0.998483 |
1.000253 |
0.998231 |
0.992414 |
0.994702 |
Arg |
-d1 |
-d2 |
-d3 |
-d4 |
-d5 |
i |
1.000226 |
1.000226 |
1.000226 |
1.000226 |
1.000226 |
I |
1.058837 |
1.058837 |
1.058837 |
1.058837 |
1.058837 |
g |
1.000253 |
1.000231 |
1.000255 |
1.000226 |
1.001915 |
G |
1.066093 |
1.060177 |
1.066633 |
1.058837 |
1.622603 |
G/I |
1.006853 |
1.001266 |
1.007362 |
1.000000 |
1.532438 |
Arg |
-d1 |
-d2 |
-d3 |
-d4 |
-d5 |
i |
1.000530 |
1.000530 |
1.000530 |
1.000530 |
1.000530 |
I |
1.143455 |
1.143455 |
1.143455 |
1.143455 |
1.143455 |
g |
1.000553 |
1.000616 |
1.000575 |
1.000579 |
1.000523 |
G |
1.150125 |
1.168592 |
1.156540 |
1.157710 |
1.141433 |
G/I |
1.005833 |
1.021984 |
1.011444 |
1.012467 |
0.998232 |
Arg |
-d1 |
-d2 |
-d3 |
-d4 |
-d5 |
i |
1.000352 |
1.000352 |
1.000352 |
1.000352 |
1.000352 |
I |
1.093125 |
1.093125 |
1.093125 |
1.093125 |
1.093125 |
g |
1.000322 |
1.000351 |
1.000320 |
1.000325 |
1.003843 |
G |
1.084862 |
1.092848 |
1.084313 |
1.085686 |
2.639041 |
G/I |
0.992441 |
0.999747 |
0.991939 |
0.993195 |
2.414217 |
Arg |
-d1 |
-d2 |
-d3 |
-d4 |
-d5 |
i |
1.000399 |
1.000399 |
1.000399 |
1.000399 |
1.000399 |
I |
1.106196 |
1.106196 |
1.106196 |
1.106196 |
1.106196 |
g |
1.000377 |
1.000390 |
1.000378 |
1.000379 |
1.000346 |
G |
1.100058 |
1.103681 |
1.100336 |
1.100614 |
1.091467 |
G/I |
0.994452 |
0.997726 |
0.994703 |
0.994955 |
0.986685 |
Arg |
-d1 |
-d2 |
-d3 |
-d4 |
-d5 |
i |
1.000453 |
1.000453 |
1.000453 |
1.000453 |
1.000453 |
I |
1.121406 |
1.121406 |
1.121406 |
1.121406 |
1.121406 |
g |
1.000499 |
1.000451 |
1.000496 |
1.000452 |
1.003821 |
G |
1.134527 |
1.120839 |
1.133666 |
1.121122 |
2.624449 |
G/I |
1.011700 |
0.999494 |
1.010933 |
0.999747 |
2.340320 |
Arg |
-d1 |
-d2 |
-d3 |
-d4 |
-d5 |
i |
1.000800 |
1.000800 |
1.000800 |
1.000800 |
1.000800 |
I |
1.224239 |
1.224239 |
1.224239 |
1.224239 |
1.224239 |
g |
1.000780 |
1.001055 |
1.000848 |
1.000877 |
1.000622 |
G |
1.218064 |
1.305746 |
1.239184 |
1.248301 |
1.170367 |
G/I |
0.994957 |
1.066578 |
1.012208 |
1.019655 |
0.955996 |
Arg |
-d1 |
-d2 |
-d3 |
-d4 |
-d5 |
i |
1.000536 |
1.000536 |
1.000536 |
1.000536 |
1.000536 |
I |
1.145191 |
1.145191 |
1.145191 |
1.145191 |
1.145191 |
g |
1.000400 |
1.000730 |
1.000451 |
1.000517 |
1.005375 |
G |
1.106476 |
1.202764 |
1.120839 |
1.139702 |
3.881545 |
G/I |
0.966193 |
1.050274 |
0.978735 |
0.995207 |
3.389430 |
Arg |
-d1 |
-d2 |
-d3 |
-d4 |
-d5 |
i |
1.000600 |
1.000600 |
1.000600 |
1.000600 |
1.000600 |
I |
1.163874 |
1.163874 |
1.163874 |
1.163874 |
1.163874 |
g |
1.000555 |
1.000647 |
1.000556 |
1.000558 |
1.000336 |
G |
1.150706 |
1.177788 |
1.150997 |
1.151580 |
1.088710 |
G/I |
0.988686 |
1.011954 |
0.988936 |
0.989436 |
0.935419 |
Arg |
-d1 |
-d2 |
-d3 |
-d4 |
-d5 |
i |
1.000679 |
1.000679 |
1.000679 |
1.000679 |
1.000679 |
I |
1.187356 |
1.187356 |
1.187356 |
1.187356 |
1.187356 |
g |
1.000736 |
1.000696 |
1.000728 |
1.000670 |
1.005578 |
G |
1.204590 |
1.192470 |
1.202156 |
1.184657 |
4.084963 |
G/I |
1.014515 |
1.004307 |
1.012465 |
0.997727 |
3.440387 |
Arg |
-d1 -c |
-d2 -c |
-d3 -c |
-d4 -c |
-d5 -c |
i |
1.000791 |
1.000791 |
1.000791 |
1.000791 |
1.000791 |
I |
1.221456 |
1.221456 |
1.221456 |
1.221456 |
1.221456 |
g |
1.000772 |
1.000000 |
1.000000 |
1.000897 |
1.001220 |
G |
1.215035 |
1.000000 |
1.000000 |
1.254628 |
1.361343 |
G/I |
0.995208 |
0.818695 |
0.818695 |
1.027158 |
1.114525 |
- followed by
Arg |
-d1 -c |
-d2 -c |
-d3 -c |
-d4 -c |
-d5 -c |
i |
0.999866 |
0.999866 |
0.999866 |
0.999866 |
0.999866 |
I |
0.966664 |
0.966664 |
0.966664 |
0.966664 |
0.966664 |
g |
1.000134 |
1.000000 |
1.000000 |
0.999950 |
1.000450 |
G |
1.034480 |
1.000000 |
1.000000 |
0.987429 |
1.120555 |
G/I |
1.070156 |
1.031871 |
1.031871 |
1.021481 |
1.159198 |
Arg |
-d1 |
-d2 |
-d3 |
-d4 |
-d5 |
i |
0.999987 |
0.999987 |
0.999987 |
0.999987 |
0.999987 |
I |
0.996716 |
0.996716 |
0.996716 |
0.996716 |
0.996716 |
g |
0.999364 |
1.001251 |
0.999413 |
1.001209 |
0.999845 |
G |
0.851327 |
1.372049 |
0.861953 |
1.357564 |
0.915410 |
G/I |
0.854131 |
1.376569 |
0.864793 |
1.362037 |
0.964709 |
Arg |
-d1 -m0 |
-d2 -m0 |
-d3 -m0 |
-d4 -m0 |
-d5 -m0 |
i |
0.999987 |
0.999987 |
0.999987 |
0.999987 |
0.999987 |
I |
0.996716 |
0.996716 |
0.996716 |
0.996716 |
0.996716 |
g |
0.999291 |
1.001649 |
0.999388 |
1.000336 |
1.000943 |
G |
0.835738 |
1.517180 |
0.856515 |
1.088710 |
1.269301 |
G/I |
0.838491 |
1.512218 |
0.859337 |
1.092297 |
1.273483 |
compares results for various command line arguments, Arg,
for the tsinvest program, on the different files, where the
average gain, i, is the gain in index value of all equities
in the file per day, and I per year, (as measured with the
program from the Utilities
page, using the -p option, and 253 trading days per year,)
the portfolio gain, g, and the yearly gain, G, calculated
the same way. (Note that all strategies made money-that is
not the issue. The issue is to resolve whether they beat a
simple strategy, like investing equally in every equity in
the market, or a derivative on the index. Note that the
simulations assume perfect market liquidity, ie., the
program can recommend buying or selling equities at the
current price of the equity, and assumes there are no
broker, transaction costs, or posting fees-which is
hypothetically presumptuous. In general, it would be
difficult, if not impossible, to achieve the gains listed in
Table II.)
The file,, is a "trick" file. It is a test file
for tsinvestsim(1), of a market with 454 equities. This file
was generated by dumping the internal data structures of the
tsinvest(1) program after it had completed execution of the
file stocks, (a daily fragment of the US stock exchange's
"ticker", consisting of 454 equities, from January 1, 1993, to
June 6, 1996, as supplied by,) using the -r option, to
make a new file for tsinvestsim(1), tests/, and is
intended to test how well the tsinvestsim(1) and tsinvest(1)
programs model real markets. The data output from the
tsinvest(1) program should be similar to the real, and dumped
Specifically, the following table, Table III, should be
similar to Table I.
Some demonstrative results from
various command line arguments, Arg, for the tsinvest program
operating on the file,, (a fabricated daily
fragment of the US stock exchange's "ticker", consisting of
454 equities, from January 1, 1993, to June 6, 1996.) The
average gain, I, of the index of all equities in the file is
1.00116 per day, or, 1.34018, per year, measured with the tsgain(1)
program from the Utilities
page, using the -p option, and 253 trading days per year. The
daily portfolio gain, g, and yearly gain, G, calculated the
same way, and, the portfolio value, V, at the end of the
simulation, (approximately 2.5 years, starting with an initial
value of 1000.00,) for comparison against the gain in the
index of all equities, 2173.59, is shown in the following
Arg |
g |
1.00622 |
1.00448 |
1.00607 |
1.00281 |
1.00392 |
1.00092 |
G |
4.80565 |
3.09457 |
4.61962 |
2.03437 |
2.69211 |
1.26131 |
G/I |
3.58582 |
2.30907 |
3.44702 |
1.51798 |
2.00877 |
0.94115 |
V |
64315.75 |
20014.23 |
57927.31 |
6582.01 |
13828.37 |
1850.89 |
Arg |
-d1 -m0
-d2 -m0
-d3 -m0
-d4 -m0
-d5 -m0
-d6 -m0
g |
1.00629 |
1.00378 |
1.00608 |
1.00581 |
1.00249 |
1.00192 |
G |
4.89098 |
2.59943 |
4.63009 |
4.33265 |
1.87703 |
1.26131 |
G/I |
3.64949 |
1.93961 |
3.45483 |
3.23288 |
1.40058 |
0.94115 |
V |
67421.90 |
12520.24 |
58283.01 |
48738.66 |
5408.38 |
1850.89 |
Arg |
-d1 -u
-d2 -u
-d3 -u
-d4 -u
-d5 -u
-d6 -u
g |
0.99926 |
1.00063 |
1.00000 |
1.00153 |
0.99981 |
1.00179 |
G |
0.82983 |
1.17244 |
1.00000 |
1.47225 |
0.95282 |
1.57020 |
G/I |
0.61920 |
0.87484 |
0.74617 |
1.09855 |
0.71097 |
1.17163 |
V |
609.57 |
1524.55 |
1000.00 |
2790.15 |
879.70 |
3308.50 |
Arg |
-d1 -u -m0
-d2 -u -m0
-d3 -u -m0
-d4 -u -m0
-d5 -u -m0
-d6 -u -m0
g |
0.99926 |
1.00061 |
1.00000 |
1.00125 |
1.00442 |
1.00071 |
G |
0.82983 |
1.16771 |
1.00000 |
1.37205 |
3.05507 |
1.57020 |
G/I |
0.61920 |
0.87131 |
0.74617 |
1.02378 |
2.27960 |
1.17163 |
V |
609.57 |
1509.02 |
1000.00 |
2358.66 |
19226.82 |
3308.50 |
The file, stocks, was chosen for a reason. It is typical of
the data available through inexpensive services on the
Internet-the data is very incomplete, (about 15% of the data
for all equities represented in the file is missing, ie.,
there are "holes" in the time series data for all equities.)
The -p and -P options for the tsinvest(1) program are
reasonably effective in addressing incomplete data set
Additionally, there are only 671 data points represented in
the file, stocks. As a "rule of thumb," many analysts argue
that an absolute minimum of 2,500 data points are required to
produce a reasonably accurate analysis-although the
tsshannoneffective(1) program disputes this assumption as
being very optimistic. The -c and -C options for the
tsinvest(1) program provide a reasonably effective method in
addressing limited data set size issues.
But how well do these options and the equity price models
used in the tsinvest(1) program work?
If the equity price model used internally in the
tsinvest(1) program is reasonably accurate, (ie., if real
equity markets behave like the model says they should,) then a
simulation on real equity data by the tsinvest(1) program
could be concluded with a dump of the statistical data
acquired in the simulation-and this data used by the
tsinvestsim(1) program to make a data set for a hypothetical
equity market, which could be compared against data set for
the real market. Note that although no equity's graph will be
recognizable, (each equity's price time series is generated by
a random number generator in the tsinvestsim(1) program,) the
comparison of the outputs of the tsinvest(1) program for both
real and hypothetical data sets should be similar. (The data
is presented in Table I and Table III, for comparison.)
This verification, (and regression testing,) was the reason
the files, stocks, and, tests/, were included in
the distribution. (Note that the time interval represented by
the file, stocks, was one of the highest equity value growth
periods in the 20'th century-only equaled by the time interval
With some confidence in the equity price model used in the
tsinvest(1) program-and its ability to address "real world"
data set issues-a matrix of "typical" market scenarios, (from
the historical data of the US equity markets for the the 20'th
century,) was constructed using the tsinvestsim(1)
program. These are theoretical markets, (ie., what the
tsinvest(1) program should be doing, and how it should be
optimizing portfolio growth in each scenario, can be
calculated.) The matrix, on one axis, was for low volatility,
optimal volatility, and, high volatility markets. On the other
axis, were equity markets where some equities had a long term
growth advantage, (ie., the portfolio growth could be
optimized,) and equity markets where no equity had a long term
growth advantage, (ie., the portfolio growth could not be
optimized.) In each case where no equity had a long term
growth advantage, the equity markets had antipersistence, no
persistence, and persistent characteristics.
Each of these 15 market scenarios was simulated, using the
tsinvestsim(1) and tsinvest(1) programs, with all optimization
options, (ie., the -d 1, -d 2, -d 3, -d 4, and -d 5 options,)
for 100,000 days, (the tsshannoneffective(1) program says a
minimum of 32,000 days would be required for a 50% confidence,
and 100,000, for a two sigma-97%-confidence in the accuracy of
the simulation.) The files used were, tests/non-volatile*,
tests/optimal*, and, tests/volatile*, which are included in
the distribution for verification and regression testing. The
results of the simulations on these files are tabulated in
Table II.
With some confidence in the equity price model used in the
tsinvest(1) program-and its ability to address "real world"
data set issues-and its ability to handle at least "high
growth" and "typical" market scenarios, (from data in the the
20'th century,) a test file, tests/, was created
to test how the tsinvest(1) program would handle a "crashing"
market that was preceeded by a long time interval of very high
growth. (Note simulating only the "crash" is not very
interesting-it results in the tsinvest(1) program simply not
engaging the market, at all-it just refuses to invest.)
Unfortunately, the individual daily closes for equities in the
time period no longer exist. But the indices do, and a data
set for a hypothetical equity market that has similar index
characteristics can be created by the tsinvestsim(1)
program. The file, tests/, is included in the
distribution for verification and regression testing, and the
simulations on these files are tabulated at the bottom of
Table II. The file, tests/, represents the run up
in equity values from 1921 to late 1929, and the file,
tests/, (which is machine manufactured from the
file, tests/,) represents the deteriorating
equity market circumstances of late 1929 to 1932.
By no means should the inclusion of the 1929-1932 "crash"
scenario in the tsinvest(1) program regression test suite be
taken to imply that a "crash" of the US equity markets is
eminent-it might be, and might not be, (and, although it is
inevitable that a "crash" will happen someday, one should be
sceptical of anyone that claims to know when.) The "crash"
scenario was included for the specific reason of completeness
of data set regression testing that spanned the 20'th
century. Nothing more, or less. In fact, such "crashes" as the
1929-1932 scenario are quite rare. Using the methodology that
is used internally in the tsinvest(1) program, one can
estimate the probability of such a "crash" happening with a
pocket calculator. The root mean square of the marginal
returns of the DJIA is about a percent, per day, (meaning that
for 68% of the time, ie., one standard deviation, the
day-to-day fluctuations of the DJIA is less than +/- 1%.) The
actual 1929-1932 "crash" was a very complex scenario, falling
about 20%, then bouncing back, at least twice. What was
devastating was the long term, continuous, deterioration that
occurred between mid 1930, and late 1931, when the market
deteriorated to about 10% of its 1929 value, (ie., in about
about 400 trading days.) So, it would be expected that the
standard deviation of the value of the DJIA at the end of any
400 day time interval be about sqrt (400) * 0.01, or about
0.2, (meaning that if we look at all possible 400 day time
intervals of the DJIA, we would expect the increase, or
decrease, to be less than 20%, 68% of the time.) What are the
chances that the DJIA's value would decrease 90% in any 400
day time interval? That is a 0.9 / 0.2 = 4.5 sigma
probability, or about, once every 294,000 trading days, or
about once every 1,200 years, (ignoring persistence, or
leptokurtotic effects in the estimation, which would make
chances larger.)
Naturally, it would be desirable to have some confidence
that the tsinvest(1) program has some capability of addressing
such low probability events, which accounts for why the
simulation is in the distribution.
Conclusions and Cautions
Note that there was no "holy grail" solution for the
different market scenarios of the 20'th century. The options
that made significant money in the high growth time intervals,
did not do as well as other options in deteriorating market
scenarios. However, most options, in most times, had modestly
better portfolio growth than the index, (and in all cases, the
portfolio growth was reasonably close to the growth of the
index, irregardless of market circumstances, or options used.)
So which option should be used? It depends on what one is
trying to do-these are engineered solutions, (that's why it is
called, "financial engineering.")
Perhaps, a better way of looking at the tsinvest(1) program
is to consider it as a financial engineering "tool kit," or
"work bench", that can analyze, using different option and
wagering strategies, simultaneously, on real time current
market data, (ie., perhaps something like, the -d 5 option to
optimize a short term decision process with risk mitigation,
and, simultaneously, the -d 1 option to optimize long term
decisions, risk management, and hedging, etc.)
It is suggested that the tsinvest(1) program be run on
market data sets with different time intervals. For example,
sampling the market's time series at two day intervals, to the
present, three day intervals to the present, four, five, and
six days to the present, and so on, for the different options
used. It is, also, recommended that this process be iterated
for different durations into the past, (ie., from many days,
to many years, and in between, so combinations, of say,
sampling at one day intervals, then at five day intervals, for
both months and then years into the past, for example.)
Note that it is a significant and demanding database issue,
and a template, tsinvestdb.c, is included in the distribution
to construct programs that operate on tsinvest(1) databases,
such as data blades, filters, time sampling, etc.
Also, stock ticker data formats and structures vary widely,
and a template, csv2tsinvest.c, is included in the
distribution as an example of a "hook" program to convert the
spreadsheet format, csv, used by the Yahoo! stock price
historical database to the tsinvest(1) time series database(s)
As a cautionary note, it is, obviously, presumptuous to
rely on computer analysis without subjecting the data to
scrutiny. Although computer analysis can be helpful, there is
no substitute for diligence and meticulous care in any kind of
an investment. In general, those that use computer analysis
effectively will do modestly better than those that don't use
computer analysis at all-but those that rely totally on
computational methods, in general, will fare poorly. Enough
As a last note, the program sources have a large amount of
internal documentation, much of it duplicated in the man(1)
pages-the tsinvest(1) program is less than a thousand lines of
active code, out of six thousand total lines in the source
file. If you want to work on it, read the man(1) page, then
see the section on program architecture in the source,
Probably the invest () and statistics () functions will be of
the most interest.
A license is hereby granted to reproduce this software
source code and to create executable versions from this source
code for personal, non-commercial use. The copyright notice
included with the software must be maintained in all copies
So there.
Copyright © 1994-2011, John Conover, All Rights
Comments and/or bug reports should be addressed to:
- John Conover
- January 6, 2006